Wednesday, February 03, 2010

January Pictures

"Helping" me pack for our vacation At the "Chinese" restaurant in Ourlandia. This gives you an idea of what it's like here...

Enjoying a swim in the living room on a rainy day. One benefit of having a tiled house!
Our new hammock on the back porch...

The church shows up for my "birthday".

Monday, January 11, 2010

On the Bookshelf

Since I am unable to upload photos due to VERY slow internet, I am switching to a more literary bent, at least until we get home and I can start uploading pictures and video again!

Now that I am shelving my photo journalling, I thought it appropriate to share some of the books that are on my book shelf right now. Well, actually on the floor since we don't have a bookshelf. Not a single one to be had for hundreds of kilometers, unless we have it specially made. No libraries here, and I haven't found a bookstore yet.

This is not my official book list for this year. Due to limited space, I brought down three books for myself to read plus a book of activities for Jessica. I am still in the process of compiling my list - but I have a lot of time to do that since I won't be able to access any of them until April.

So here are the books:

The Six Days of Genesis by Paul F. Taylor
A Scientific Appreciation of Chapter 1 -11

The Difference is the Son by Daniel Shayesteh
A study of Islam and Christianity by a former Iranian politician who became a Christian and had to escape to Turkey then to America with his wife and children

Daniel: Godly Living in a Hostile World by William Burnett
Not the usual prophetic take - this one is a practical application of the life and example of Daniel.

Surviving Your Toddler by Trish Kuffner
While I think the title of this book should be Enjoying Your Toddler, this is an excellent resource that I've had for over a decade. It contains several chapters with a variety of activities, games, art projects for your one to three year old. Although Jessica is not quite ready for most of them yet, there are some that I think she'll enjoy. Plus having it here gives me time to plan ahead for when we get home.

Storm clouds are brewing and the temperature is at 44 degrees so time to disconnect!