Answer: January 6th, 2007 (D.V.)
Mom & Dad will be back in Canada for Christmas and December is just too busy of a time for January (a week before they have to leave for Zambia) seems the best date.
The next common question is: Where?
After much deliberation we (well, to be honest, more on Katherine's part as she is much more organizationally minded than say that least!) have set our planning arrangements on the Cross Roads Centre in Burlington. We wanted a "one-stop" place for both wedding and reception considering the time of year, etc...and after meeting with the managers last week we are certain that this is the place for us.
The Chapel can seat +250 people
Right "outside" the chapel is a covered courtyard where receptions and banquets are held.
Now...another question to answer: Why "Grace Proclaimers"?
Grace simplified is God giving us what we don't deserve. We deserve the full punishment for sin, but the "GRACE" of God is revealed in Jesus, in that He bore our sin in His own body on a cross (Roman execution - death sentence) that we who were dead in sin (all of humanity) might be made alive (spiritual life) in Him. God provided His Son, Jesus, to be put to death on a cross (the "punishment for sin is death") so that we might have life ("whoever believes on the Son has life").
We have experienced His Grace in our lives and our relationship. In retro-spect it is amazing how self-serving and self-centered we were at first and probably will be again but the Bible indicates that "the grace of God leads us to repentance" and it is our delight to proclaim that GREAT GRACE to others. "Our God does all things well"..."His work is perfect and ALL His ways are just (right)".
Basking in the sunshine of His Grace...