Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A Few Changes...
The Monday following my previous post Richard and I attended our weekly doctor's appointment at Mount Sinai...and didn't leave the hospital for a week. Well, Richard did, I had to stay. Hence the long gap between posts.
But all 3 of us are home!!! The Lord has certainly answered our prayers, & the prayers of others, far better than we ever imagined. For all the details, visit our website (link on the right).
I'll be posting non-medical stuff here - like these pictures.
Daddy having devotions with Elysha - starting with songs from "Kabompo Sings" - a hymn book from Zambia
Yes, she is holding the bottle up by herself - with her mouth of course but she is trying to grab hold!
Elysha has long conversations with her giraffe. She just loves to stare at it!
Two little monkies...well one big one & one little!
But all 3 of us are home!!! The Lord has certainly answered our prayers, & the prayers of others, far better than we ever imagined. For all the details, visit our website (link on the right).
I'll be posting non-medical stuff here - like these pictures.
Daddy having devotions with Elysha - starting with songs from "Kabompo Sings" - a hymn book from Zambia
Yes, she is holding the bottle up by herself - with her mouth of course but she is trying to grab hold!
Elysha has long conversations with her giraffe. She just loves to stare at it!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fancy Breakfast
As long as I can remember, my mother has been knitting. She started at age 4 so you can imagine that by now, she's an expert. She recently presented us with a "few" things for the baby...with more to come! The blanket was also made by Mum, folded up so that it could fit in the shot.
Because our baby will need immediate hospitilization, we were told that clothes were unnecessary at this stage, but mitts, booties, and hats were good to have. She may not be able to wear all of them at once because of the leads and i.v.'s that she'll have in. But Mum found a way to get around that, at least as far as the hats are concerned. Explanation is below.
The hats like the one below all have hold strategically placed around the top so that the leads can come through. One at the very top and the rest around the crown. Amazing!
But they are small enough that the yarn "stays together" if they aren't needed. I just stretched it out a bit before I took the pictures so you could see where the holes were.

Thanks Mum!!
Because our baby will need immediate hospitilization, we were told that clothes were unnecessary at this stage, but mitts, booties, and hats were good to have. She may not be able to wear all of them at once because of the leads and i.v.'s that she'll have in. But Mum found a way to get around that, at least as far as the hats are concerned. Explanation is below.
If you would like to keep up to date on our baby's progress, particularly her surgeries and recovery, please visit our website at www.rnbrooks.com
Friday, September 28, 2007
A Gracious Home
Sunday, September 23rd, Richard was speaking at Fair Havens Community Church just outside of Beaverton. We were offered accomodation for the weekend so we made our way up Saturday evening. The couple we stayed with were wondeful! We were made to feel so welcome and in conversation over the weekend discovered we had mutual friends and that I attended the same church in Windsor their daughter and son-in-law do. We were there at the same time, many years ago of course, but still, another connection!
Below are some pictures of their home...it was like being at a bed and breakfast. Speaking of breakfast...bacon, eggs, toast, juice, fruit, coffee...we were spoiled!
The church family was so welcoming and we again discovered many connections with Zambia, North Bay and Camp ABK! We also met a dear couple with four children, their youngest having been born with a heart defect which necessitated an emergency flight to Sick Kids hospital. They were not aware ahead of time about it so it was a very trying time of many unknowns. We were able to "talk shop" with them for quite a while. Their picture is at the bottom.
Knox Adult Fellowship Annual BBQ
For the past several years, my family have hosted a bbq for the adult fellowship group of Knox Presbyterian Church (where my parents met and currently attend). This year we had about 30 people out. We've done it so long, Mum and I have it down to a science...the best location for the food table, condiment table, chairs, coffee/tea service, how much to make so there are some leftovers (for lunch the next day since we're too tired to cook again) etc. etc. It was a beautiful day; sunny, no humidity (the day before was VERY humid) all in all a perfect day. Thank you Lord!
Just a few shots of some of those in attendance...

Just a few shots of some of those in attendance...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Memory of Betty
We came across some back issues of the monthly Missions magazine that highlights news of assembly commended workers around the globe. In 1998, Richard's Aunt Betty was commended (sent out) from her assembly (church) in South River, Ontario. Below is the article about her that was published in November of 1998. Click on the article for a larger copy of it if you'd like to read about her.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Goal for the Future
I think our spiritual expectations of our children need to be raised. Especially after seeing this video. What an encouragement to see a family encouraging their child from a young age to develop a love of the Word of God!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The New Mr. & Mrs. Wahab
I am very behind in pictures so this is a little out of order.
We attended the wedding of our friend Phil on August 4th. He married a wonderful and well suited woman from Ohio, where the wedding was held. Richard had been asked to be one of the ushers. We headed down just 2 weeks after our return from Pennsylvania. A beautiful drive to a beautiful wedding. We spent the night nearby and then attended morning services at Stephanie's home assembly. They held a fellowship lunch afterwards as there were a number of people from our assembly there as well.
Phil, anxiously awaiting the start of the ceremony.
Stephanie and her bridal party. (Phil's sister Laura is on the far left). Stephanie designed her dress herself. I believe that is her brother on the right.
Cutting the cake at the reception. Steph's grandmother made the cake-it's all cake too.
One of the couples at our table. They did a joint reading during the ceremony and rolled out the white runner for Stephanie before she came down the aisle. They were both saved out of the Amish religion.
Phil's brothers' artwork.
The day after the wedding at the fellowship lunch. They left for their honeymoon in the Bahamas on the Tuesday.
We attended the wedding of our friend Phil on August 4th. He married a wonderful and well suited woman from Ohio, where the wedding was held. Richard had been asked to be one of the ushers. We headed down just 2 weeks after our return from Pennsylvania. A beautiful drive to a beautiful wedding. We spent the night nearby and then attended morning services at Stephanie's home assembly. They held a fellowship lunch afterwards as there were a number of people from our assembly there as well.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Allantown/Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Some shots from a beautiful natural reserve we visited called "Bushkill Falls". It advertises itself as "Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania". I don't think they've ever been to Niagara Falls. But it was a beautiful site. Stairs have been built around the area to climb up and down beside the falls. It was a workout!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Aunt Betty - Called Home
Richard's Aunt Betty went to be with the Lord at 5:00AM today (Thursday, July 19th).
Dr. Elizabeth Brooks held a PhD in Social Work and was a professor at Nipissing University. Both prior to and following her appointment at the university she was a missionary to Zambia and Russia. She had hoped to return to Zambia, however cancer treatment prevented her from going. She still carried on for the Lord here in Canada and had plans for visitations to those in Bethany Lodge nursing home after she moved to Bethany Courts condos in Unionville. The Lord had other plans for her though. Shortly after selling her cottage in Eagle Lake and moving to Bethany, she took ill again and spent several weeks in hospital.
At approximately 6:00pm EST, we received word that Betty's cancer had returned, apparently undetected for some time. She had been given 48 hours to a month to live as cancer had spread throughout her skeletal system and into one lung. Eleven hours after we received the news, the Lord graciously released her from the painful confines of her human body and she is now in His glorious presence.
We were able to visit with her, along with Richard's sister Rachel, just last Saturday. We sang a few hymns and songs for her just before we left. The last one was "In Christ Alone". The last verse of that song is so applicable today.
No guilt in life. No fear in death.
This is the power of Christ in me.
From life's first cry, 'til final breath Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of Hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand.
'Til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
We are in Pennsylvania right now (business trip for Richard) but will be making arrangements to travel back early when we know the funeral arrangements.
We do not sorrow as those who have no hope, for our hope (divine certainty) is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Richard's 30th birthday at Betty's cottage, Eagle Lake. July 16, 2006
Betty's first visit to our home following her cancer treatment.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Recent Activities
Richard was the guest speaker for Massey Bible Chapel's retreat a few weekends ago. Richard's cousin, Mary, and her family live up there and organized the event. It was held at Camp ABK (between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie). Beautiful location! ABK = Aush-bik-koong meaning "To the Rock". This is a picture of a baptism held for a 10 year old boy. You can't really see him as he's just come out of the water and his mom is hugging him. I didn't get a lot of other pictures but did get a couple of videos which I can't upload unfortunately. :(
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